Description: Grease is a 1978 American musical romantic comedy film directed by Randal Kleiser in his theatrical feature film debut, the film depicts the lives of greaser Danny Zuko and Australian transfer student Sandy Olsson who develop an attraction for each other. The film stars John Travolta as Danny, Olivia Newton-John as Sandy, and Stockard Channing as Betty Rizzo, the leader of the Pink Ladies.
1978 – PG – 2hrs 00mins
Booking: Please book admission tickets to see the film. A car parking ticket is also required for entry, which will be automatically added to your basket.
Please only purchase one car ticket at one time, if you wish to book for multiple cars, please complete your order for one car and then return to the events page to book your second car. Car details are taken at the checkout page, please make sure these details are correct as we use them for matching you to food and drink orders.